About Us

The APISA/A (Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian/American) Parent Advisory Group, formed in May 2021, provides a supportive and caring community for APISA/A families within the Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS). This group includes AAPS families with origins across all Asian countries, including Pacific Islanders, people from the South Asian subcontinent, and the Indigenous peoples of Oceania We also welcome multiracial/multiethnic families. We intentionally include the “/American” to recognize and include recent immigrants as well as those who are descendants of immigrants from the Asian and Pacific regions. Our meetings are open to any AAPS APISA/A community members who would like to share concerns and connect with us.

Learn more about APISA/A here.

Join us!

To join our email list for meeting reminders & updates, contact us at a2apisaa@gmail.com