APISA/A Book Drive
We’re so excited to launch our book drive within the APISA/A community! Many thanks to our volunteers who have spent countless hours planning, organizing, networking, designing and typing…. We are grateful to have Ann-Hua Chinese School, Booksweet and Black Stone as our partners making this long-held idea a reality!
This book drive aims to add books with APISA/A representation to our school libraries. We are asking you for your support to make this important effort successful. Here is how you can help:
1. Donate books or money. Please follow the instructions or refer to the flyer.
2. Share the flyer with other APISA/A groups/organizations. We will reach out to AAPS for help to promote this event at the end of this month. In the meantime, we are observing Arab American Heritage Month with all the communities.
3. Sign up here to volunteer.
4. Seek donation from corporations or large organizations. This will help us reach our goal of equitably purchasing the books for all the schools.
We are looking forward to seeing you at one of our book drop-off events and will give weekly update of this book drive. Please email us if you have any questions.
Many thanks to our partners: